Do not do evil things though they may be insignificant

During the Three Kingdoms period, the Emperor of Shu, Liu Bei—knowing that his time was up—said to his son Liu Shan, “Do not do evil things though they may be insignificant. Do not give up good things though they may be minor matters. “ Book of Shu: Volume 2, Records of the Three Kingdoms A monarch can only convince others through his virtues. In Buddhism, the Dhammapada indicates, “Do not disregard evil, “It will not come nigh onto me”; by the falling of drops even a water-jar is filled; likewise the fool, gathering little by little, fills himself with evil.” Dhammapada 9: Evil
God accepted Abel’s offerings and did not favor Cain’s offering.
Christianity also reminds people to be aware of evil thoughts in their hearts. For instance, when the sons of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, made offerings to God—who accepted Abel’s offerings and did not favor Cain’s, Cain became angry and dejected. God then especially reminded Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:6-7 Cain ignored God’s advice, and the thoughts of sin continued to grow in his heart. Eventually, he killed his own brother Abel in a quarrel, committed an irreparable crime. Therefore, the author of Proverbs reminded us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23
People choose to neglect the seriousness of a crime, which encourages the evil-doers to be even more unscrupulous.
Recently, the news reported two heinous child abuse cases. Unquestionably, our hearts break for the children who suffered tremendous physical and mental trauma; we resent the adults who abused their children. But what is worth thinking about is that tragedy does not happen overnight, and could have been avoided if someone took the steps to help the children. Yet in reality, even when something feels wrong, people choose to neglect the seriousness of a crime, choosing silence and to be a bystander. As a result, it allows the evil-doers to be even more unscrupulous, and eventually more people will be victimized.
Today, we ask the Lord to examine our hearts and minds, search us if there are any evils therein, and lead us in the way everlasting. We ask the Lord to encourage us not to hesitate in doing good deeds, and reaching out to those who are in need. Amen!