Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

Faithfulness: Believe in God, and trust firmly in the Lord who loves us.
In Mark 11:22, “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. This sentence, in the understanding of James Hudson Taylor, a British Protestant Christian missionary in China, is to “have faith in God” or “fully know God’s faithfulness”. The value of one’s faith is not determined by how much faith they have but the “object” of faith.
What has happened in the city this month? Not only has it made living extremely difficult and uncertain for the poor, but the impact and severity of Omicron has injected fear and distress into the city. It is our responsibility to pray at this moment, because God is the object our faith. In each of our lives, we might have encountered different levels of difficulties in the past. Can you recall how God opened doors for us and led you through the obstacles safely? How do these problems and circumstances make you feel? Do you have faith in the Lord that he will open another door for you in the future? If you feel uncertain, pray to him, for he is faithful.
God has been unswerving, yet we often lack faith.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 The Lord wants us to “know” who we believe in, he would never let down the people who believe in his Word; he would never make ashamed those who believe in him. God has been unswerving, yet we often lack faith. We fail to anticipate God to show that he is God in situations to do the humanly impossible. Reverend Stephen Tong Tjong Eng once said, “When it feels impossible in the world of the created, do not forget, there will be a way in the world of the creator. God will do his deeds for people who await him. We need to recognize and grasp his faithfulness, trusting him with all our heart.
The more experiences we have in our lives, the more we can understand how real and secure his guidance is.
We bear the fruit of the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit not because we can show off ourselves but help others experience God’s faithfulness. He allows our faith to be constantly challenged because it would allow us to learn more about him every time our faith gets tested. The more experiences we have in our lives, the more we can understand how real and secure his guidance is. The Lord Jesus wants us to “know” who we have faith in. He He will never wrong those who believe in his Word, and he certainly will never put those who believe in him to shame.
Let us reflect on our own circumstances and faith, have we fully known God’s faithfulness and trusted him wholeheartedly? Have we anticipated his humanly impossible deeds in troubled times?
Lord have mercy on us.
Written by Cheui Yi (At Will)