To Be Heard

What happened to Hong Kong in March of 2022?
Not only had it make living extremely difficult and uncertain for the poor, but the impact and severity of Omicron has injected fear and distress into the city. Every day there could be as many people getting infected as there are people recovering from the coronavirus—we could easily be one of them. In addition to the lack of resources and necessities, there is also a lack of emotional support and help. Not long ago many of us may have heard of the news of an elderly woman who resorted to taking her own life after testing positive for COVID-19. While we felt saddened and grieved for her—she was, sadly, one of the many people who have not been heard. This does not mean we should continue to feel powerless but it, instead, helps us pay more attention to those who still live in fear and despair. They need to be heard by others about their feelings and thoughts.
We can offer comfort to new patients by sharing our experiences on Facebook, chat groups, or even become a helpline volunteer.
Before I was tested positive, I was planning to volunteer to support those who were affected by the pandemic. Later I found meaning in my 2-week personal experience with the coronavirus from noticing the symptoms to recovery. Not only did this experience allow me (and my family) to first receive blessings and care. But more importantly, it helped me understand and support the emotional needs of those around us who have been affected by their positive test result. Although it is certainly important to deliver household supplies and necessities to families in need, we can offer comfort to new patients by sharing our experiences on Facebook, chat groups, or even become a helpline volunteer.
Temperance would only occur when you do things other than pursuing for your own good.
Here I would like to share with you all some of my encounters over the phone with our neighbours and friends (during my service with 香港天使行動):
One time a person told me she “needed this and that, for adults and for children…” Then she apologized for needing those things, and wondered if she can pay for all of that. “Thank you,” many times she said in a low voice.
Another told me, “I live on my own and do not have much support. I feel uncertain and worried when I tested positive (for COVID)… How much longer will I suffer from this pain?”
Then I came across another person over the phone, “it is not just the food and medicine that would make me feel calm and comforted, but also knowing that my needs are heard and to be cared for,” she said.
An ailing mother who tested positive told me worriedly that her children also tested positive and did not have enough medicine, she said “I have a headache and cannot sleep. I do not know where to seek help.”
Another uncle asked about a lot of things. In addition to food and medicine needed, there are many questions and concerns that need to be heard…
Thank you to each one of you for accepting our comfort and trusting us, we hear your desperation and urgent needs, and would like to share with you how we have spent these difficult days—we hope you know you are not alone and we are in this together. We are all going through the same things in our own way. For those who are recovering—it takes time. Therefore be sure to rest well and take medicine on time, which was what I was reminded back then when I was tested positive. We hope you know your needs are being heard, and we would like to continue listening. Because each one of you deserves to be heard.
Finally, as Mother Teresa said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” May God lead us to serve in small ways and not dwell on big accomplishments. Amen.
If you or know anyone who might need help, here are the contact details (香港天使行動, Traditional Chinese only): 疫情下資源共用平台
Written by Cheui Yi (At Will)