To Be Seen

We are extremely grateful for the Chinese New Year greeting couplets from Uncle Tsui (cheui4 suk1).
Uncle Tsui (or in Cantonese: cheui4 suk1) is a retired driver. Since his retirement he has been recycling anything from used copper, iron, metals down to a single wire. As a result, he became a volunteer for an organization and began to serve the elderly scavengers. One day, I passed by his “office” and noticed a few handwritten couplets on the wall, which is a common decoration used around Chinese New Year—people put them on the door to celebrate the festival and the phrases written on it mean good luck and prosperity.
“No one would appreciate or would want them.”
After finding out that he wrote these couplets, I boldly asked if he could gift some to me because I thought he had beautiful penmanship. “Really? They’re not beautiful, no one appreciates it,” said he. Without responding to his remark, “why did you write so many couplets?” I asked. “For myself,” he answered. In turn, Uncle Tsui let me choose whichever I liked, and offered to write whatever phrases I would like. In our exchange, periodically, he would mention that no one would appreciate or would want them. Why would he say that? I wonder. Does that mean he did not feel seen? Uncle Tsui is indeed a solitary person, yet he is also flesh and blood. After our exchange, it was made aware to me that he might have felt unseen.
What Uncle Tsui really meant was that they were unseen, unnoticed, and unsupported by others.
Eternal life determines by the understanding and unconditional affirmation of the living God. Living becomes lively when one receives care, attention, and participates in other people’s lives. Therefore, everyone needs to be seen and supported. What Uncle Tsui really meant when he said his creations and penmanship not being appreciated, was that they were unseen, unnoticed, and unsupported by others. He was neglected by the world.
It was only through faith of Jesus Christ could they achieve righteousness, or maintain a proper relationship with God.
Although the world might not unanimously accept and affirm human rights or right to life, still, God affirms those who destroy the lives of their own and others, all because he wants them to confess and be healed. Meanwhile, Paul the Apostle believed that only by grace and faith can victims and sinners have lives to the full. He believed that all human beings, Jews or Gentiles, were under the influence of sin. It was only through faith of Jesus Christ could they achieve righteousness, or maintain a proper relationship with God. The Lord who has been watching over each of us, waiting for us, and inviting us to enter into the eternal life to the full that he has given us and continuously fill with his love to enrich us.
People on the other side of the Jordan River had listened to the preaching of John the Baptist, and they had received the baptism of repentance through him.
During the Spring Festival, may we begin to see and bless those who feel unaccepted, forgotten, and unseen. And may the Lord to search us, to help us learn how to listen to his Word, and follow Christ with unwavering faith.
“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” Ephesians 2:14-18 NIV
Written by Cheui Yi (At Will)